Members' Room (Menskamer)

The members' room (Mens room) of the study association Mens is currently located in the WN building in room TK-18. This refers to the basement of the WN building at the very end of the building. In the Mens room, there is a pool table, a work computer, a Playstation, refrigerators filled with cold drinks, a freezer filled with toasted sandwiches and a lot of other attributes such as a volleyball, board games and a bicycle pump, as well as books and interesting magazines.
The opening hours of the Mens Room are as follows:

Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Is the Mens-room not open at 8.30 am between Monday and Friday and you are at the door? Then mail proof to the board: Because then the board owes you a free cake!


The VU will demolish and (partly) renovate the WN-building. This has many consequences for our association and the research groups currently working at the east side of the WN-builing. Because the VU has planned to demolish the east side of the WN-building after the summer of 2024. This means that we have to move, temporarely, to R-hall on the fifth floor of the WN-building untill the renovated WN-building is finished. This means that going forward for now, our membersroom will be located at room WN-R521. Here we will have a view of the backside of the WN-building and a part of the tramtrack.